Why should we choose organic food? The idea of eating naturally grown produce is certainly
appealing, and there are lots of benefits to keeping as close to an organic diet as possible. We'll take a look at the main reasons for trying to buy organic.

Organic food is healthier for humans

Is organic food really better for us to eat? The answer is yes, eating organic does indeed have
health benefits. Organic food is higher in Omega-3 and antioxidants, which benefit our general health, including helping to look after our hearts.
We're also avoiding all sorts of unexpected extras when we eat organic. Fruit and veg aren't
sprayed with insecticide or other chemicals, while animals reared organically for meat or dairy products haven't been routinely fed GMO diets or antibiotics.
The lack of preservatives has an additional benefit: organic produce is fresher, locally grown
and seasonal. Buying organic food is great for small scale farmers and local economies. So
many pluses!

Organic farming is better for wildlife

Buying organic is a holistic choice. As well as benefiting our own and our families' health,
organic farming techniques are far better for wildlife. There's much less risk of the local fauna
digesting harmful chemicals.

There's been a worrying decline in pollinators recently, and pesticides do incredible damage to our bee friends. Without pollinators, our whole ecosystem is threatened. Chemical-free farming doesn't harm these essential insects.

Another risk of non-organic farming is potential harm to our waterways. Nitrogen fertilisers are especially damaging to aquatic life, and all the other plant and animal species that depend on these water sources.

Organic farming benefits animals

For many of us that eat meat and /or dairy, how the animals are treated is really important. For meat or dairy produce to be declared Organic, the animals can't be given routine medication such as antibiotics, which are fed to livestock, poultry and dairy herds to prevent disease spreading in poor conditions.
The organic farmer has to find other ways to prevent illness. And guess what? This can be
easily achieved through making sure the animals have a great diet, plenty of space and fresh
air, and a natural environment. Our grandparents' generation would recognise these high
welfare standards as, well, normal farming.

Organically farmed soil is more nutrient rich and fertile

Considerate crop farming is as much about the soil as it is the plants. Most of our food
production - dairy, veg, meat, fruit - depends upon healthy soil. Organic farming methods
actively feed the soil, giving it lots of lovely nutrients through natural composts and fertilisers.
The traditional techniques of crop rotation farming allow the plants themselves to enrich the soil, all ready for the next crop.

This virtuous circle results in sustainably healthy crops. It also supports the many little species that live in soil, and helps to preserve the land's water table. Soil really is incredibly important.

And of course, organic food gives us the best start in life€¦

Our baby and infant formulas and foods are made from organic ingredients. We believe that a healthy start in life is so important, and little ones who have a tasty, organic diet aren't eating any unnecessary nasties. Find out more about Ulula's commitment to using organic ingredients.

You can also choose organic non-food products

Organic farming doesn't begin and end with food crops and animal feed. Look out for organic
certified cotton while buying textile-based products like clothes and bedding. Organic cotton is becoming more and more popular on the high street as shoppers become increasingly aware of the importance of sustainable farming.
Beauty and skin care products can also be organic (check out our selection of skincare lotions, for example), which like organic food, protect us from unwanted chemicals. The more you research it, the more you realise how much easier it is to live organic these days.

Find out more about Ulula's organic products

If you'd like to know more about Ulula's organic ethos, or have specific questions relating to our organic products or ingredients, please get in touch with our friendly team.